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Let me start off by saying, I’m super bummed that I’m just finding out about this brilliant place, such a cute little hidden gem location. This year is the second year they’ve been open and it was a continuation from last year’s performance “Happy Hal.” (Hal-O-Ween)

Web of torment is located in Lynn Haven, Florida- at the Kaleidoscope Theatre. It’s family friendly, but also spooky enough for the adults. Very well put together, very artsy and very impressive.

Parking here is free, which is always a plus. They have an actual bathroom inside the lobby here. There were no concessions available to my knowledge, but there were a few restaurants in walking distance from web of torment.

There was a cute older lady in the parking lot directing people where to go and where to stand in line. I also love the fact that they open up at 6:30pm, since they are inside… give you plenty of time to enjoy the haunt and still early enough to do other activities if you want to. You can purchase your tickets online or in the lobby when you arrive. Regular Admission tickets are $22.50each and you can “skip to the scare” for $32.50 each

We finally get in the line, for our short wait. As we were in line, a couple of the characters come running through, like they’re Olympic runners, they were so fast. I shrieked, I wasn’t expecting it, lol. We get in the front lobby and get to speak with the creative director, Babs. She explained the rules of the theatre and explained to us that every night they have been open, there’s been someone who hasn’t made it through all the rooms.

They also allow your group to go at it alone, which is always great. It feels like a more personable experience when that happens.

The very first room we entered was what they called the Photo-Op room. They have it decorated cute and allow you to get as many pictures with you and your group as you wish before you go through the haunt. Very special touch that I hope they keep in the future. That was the first time I’ve got to experience that at a haunt and I really enjoyed it!

After our photo-op room, we got into another room that had a memorial for “Happy Hal” and a man that gave us a little talk about Hal’s widow and off to the “elevator” we went. The elevator operator was spooky and had this deep, sinister voice. I must admit, everyone stayed in character, almost as if this was the REAL them and the human in them during normal hours are who they are pretending to be. Great job, all!

There were so many amazing “rooms” to speak of. I believe there were 20 rooms, possibly a bit more. We may have rushed going through a little bit, due to the fact a FEW in my group- maybe even myself- were screaming. Shhhhhhhhhh- let that be our little secret.

I certainly don’t want to tell you every little thing about this haunt, so you can check it out for yourself, but there were a few that stuck out in my head that I wanted to speak about.

One of the very first rooms we went into had a little girl high up on some ropes- which appeared to be doing a Spanish web routine. She was an amazing aerialist. It was hard not to focus on her when you entered the room. Very talented.

There were women’s heads in the wall giving us warnings about the rooms. It appeared as if they had no bodies at all. Just heads, stuck in a wall. Very eerie and nicely done.

There’s a room you enter with a few locked doors where you choose your door. One was certainly locked and two of us in the group chose different doors which led ultimately to the same place, but put us on different paths.

There were demon-looking characters and glowing eyes in many places, falling bodies and just all-around fun and jump-scares. I can’t wait to see how the saga continues from the years to come.

We finally spotted the outside and took a deep breath of freedom air, proud of ourselves for accomplishing the rooms and not being the group that couldn’t make it through all the rooms, which apparently happened quite a bit there. As we turn to one another with pride and to speak about all the terror we just went through, there’s ONE MORE surprise that awaits you! I won’t give it away, but I’ll just say “HIYA BILLY!!”



A HUGE thank you to Larry, Babs, Dewayne and the rest of the cast! You all were so inviting and friendly and we’re so thankful that our little panhandle community has such a cool place to go to during the month of October! Keep up the great work and see y’all next year for the next edition in the Happy Hal story!

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